Projects and Campaigns

Here are some of the projects and campaigns that we have embarked on that we are most proud of. It is for reasons like this, we are forever motivated to help the world become a better place.


1. Entrepreneurship scheme

Nigeria's unemployment rate stands out at a high statistics of about 30%. We work on raising a community where students are raised empowered and equipped entrepreneurs with the needed skill set to grow and thrive. The entrepreneurship scheme is meant to hold on weekends alongside their learning. Skillsets range from baking, makeup, shoemaking, hair making, barbing, turban making to tie and dye etc..

Our first outreach began with empowering and training students at the special needs schools with hand skills like soap making, bow tie and lapel production, photography, and barbing. We had 5 contact with the students for training.

Our goal was to train each student with a skill, empower them with resources and watch them reproduce or come up with better ideas to do such a skill.

2. Project Inspire

We believe that so much humanity left in the world and we know that we can help to nourish that humanity.

Accordingly, the World humanitarian day that holds at the of every year is a notable one to us as we reach out to children with disabilities in their home with food items in Ilorin. 

We hope to extend this to other local communities around us. We were able to raise a sum of one hundred and ten thousand naira which was used to get food items for the school of special needs and some families to which these children belong.

3. Scholarship scheme

This is targeted towards supporting and sponsoring students with disabilities from local environments. 

This initiative also caters to the provision of school/writing materials, uniforms, and assistive learning aids.

We have held extra classes for the special needs students in higher classes who were preparing for external exams

4. Disability Got Talent

We had the Disability got Talent program where students with disabilities were encouraged to show us what they can do.

The main competition had different categories including:

5. CareerEdu Signing Championship

For every project that we embark on, we always endeavor to do outdo ourselves. The CareerEdu Signing Championship proved to be by far one of the most impacting and fulfilling projects we have ever done.

We had the signing bee competition for Deaf students ranging across senior classes. Here we had the director of the Centre for supportive service University of Ilorin on seat, prominent sign language instructors in the house, the principal of the special needs school and the Vice-principal academics who also has a Deaf disability chair the occasion.


1. What I can do campaign

This is to encourage both talents and creating a platform for them to be displayed.

2. Operation Stop campaign

An awareness campaign to encourage inclusion and advocacy, educating the populace through radio shows, and on-air programs.